
Why is China being bullied? (Keep your hands off them, USA/UK!!)

Why is there so much hatred and accusations towards our friends in China? Every country has its faults – especially the USA – so why are media outlets talking so badly about China and the Chinese? Thankfully, Novara Media and Mia Mottley are speaking well of China, and so are others.  Thank you, Novara and […]

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‘Blindly Unaware of Social Tremors’? Or “B.U.S.T.”…? Yes, just as COVID / COVID 19 is an acronym (as detailed below) we made up our own piece of wordplay – B U S T – but better than Cov-idiot?  We are not so sure, as this article goes on to explain. CO: Corona VI: virus D: […]

Read More COVID or BUST…?!

Climate Change & Western Money

“Change is coming”… That’s what people are always saying.  “Change is good” is another phrase we hear.   “Change” is also a word used to explain coins. Well, further to our recent post regarding climate change / global warming here is an article which may bring a CHANGE to that story which is often thrown […]

Read More Climate Change & Western Money

SEWOL – 6 Years On

As some of you will know, we are here to speak about the injustices in the world, and perhaps more specifically, the wrongdoings upon particular, and less fortunate countries. Often our stories and articles relate to how the West may treat a country of the East but that’s only a part of so many injustices […]

Read More SEWOL – 6 Years On

West BEATS East (East meets West)

For anyone unfazed by global warming, climate change or, well, let’s simply call it “damage to our planet and our future” this article is a pretty good one. While there are similar articles out there, this one discusses the issues facing those in poorer countries, thanks to the wealthier ones, their emissions and more. We […]

Read More West BEATS East (East meets West)

China IN Cambodia

As our site is relatively new, count this as a BETA (or read as “BITTER”) posting or re-posting of an article. Essentially it outlines what is happening in parts of Cambodia, which incidentally can be verified by one of our very own members of @teamtheirland who has been to seen the events unfolding first hand. […]

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