China IN Cambodia

As our site is relatively new, count this as a BETA (or read as “BITTER”) posting or re-posting of an article.

Essentially it outlines what is happening in parts of Cambodia, which incidentally can be verified by one of our very own members of @teamtheirland who has been to seen the events unfolding first hand.

Here at Theirland, or Team Theirland, we are often pondering over why it is very much the Western world interfering with the Eastern world, Southern world or frankly any less fortunate countries or continents. In this case, it shows that this is not always the case.


Kudos to Lina and co. over at Move To Cambodia…:


See also:

And finally, this should also be of interest and indeed donations can be made to the organisation in question – It’s an “organisation that helps vulnerable and at-risk children and families.  The Chinese takeover of Sihanoukville means even more Cambodian families there need help.” [taken from the Move To Cambodia newsletter/email]…:

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.

One more related article, albeit linked to an incident which occurred there:

VIDEO: Under-construction building collapses in Sihanoukville, casualties feared: police


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