SEWOL – 6 Years On

As some of you will know, we are here to speak about the injustices in the world, and perhaps more specifically, the wrongdoings upon particular, and less fortunate countries.

Often our stories and articles relate to how the West may treat a country of the East but that’s only a part of so many injustices in the world.

This article is one concerning another type of injustice, although interconnected with a few kinds – government corruption; media and government together; a ship captain’s incompetence and cowardly escape; no apology or answers to the families of the 300+ Korean victims who were lost (250 of these were school children). That incident is the one known as the Sewol Ferry tragedy.

It was felt even more apt and pressing that we publish certain information relating to this tragedy and incident on this date, due to TODAY, 16th April being 6 years from that fateful event on 16/04/2014.

There are numerous, thousands, hundreds of thousands of articles, posts, tributes, films and more on the web concerning this sad occurrence.

Due to this, it’s hard to pick a news article which best states what happened, but quite a recent documentary is the one mentioned in this link, as both the film itself [we hope you get to see it on one of the platforms online, or elsewhere] and the interview, should give you enough of an idea of what happened and why etc.  If you are someone to keep up with films, and Oscar nominated ones at that, this may be something which recently crossed your radar anyway.

We shall post future articles concerning Sewol, but for now, that article:

Oscar-Nominated ‘In The Absence’ Takes Haunting Look At Sewol Ferry Disaster


As we state above, their have been many a film about this disaster, but this one – from 2015 – explains a lot about what happened.

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