‘Blindly Unaware of Social Tremors’?

Or “B.U.S.T.”…?

Yes, just as COVID / COVID 19 is an acronym (as detailed below) we made up our own piece of wordplay – B U S T – but better than Cov-idiot?  We are not so sure, as this article goes on to explain.

  • CO: Corona
  • VI: virus
  • D: disease
  • 19: 2019 (the year it was first identified)

You see, it’s perhaps not fair to use the word idiot for people who don’t follow the Coronavirus rules or recommendation or for those who don’t believe the virus is real, and/or conspiracy theorists & the like.

Such people were not ready for such a once-in-a-lifetime [hopefully!] pandemic, on this scale at least, and because this is something new, in their and our lives there is surely reason to speculate, deny or simply ‘unfathom’.  After all, news channels invoking fear and increasing views prey on certain people… Well, they prey on anyone possible, if we’re being honest here!

And then there’s fake news aplenty, AND the fact that you can type anything into Google [or your preferred search engine] and locate the answer you’re after.  Let’s face it, so many people use the internet to find out the symptoms or prognosis of a disease or ailment, and not least those of us who are hypochondriacs… PLUS, you can also type in certain words to put your mind at rest and read that the issue upon your body is not as bad as you first thought.  It really depends.

Just like news, and especially bad news travels fast so does this illness and this can have the effect of a huge ripple or tremor across all society / societies.

However, one or two questions or crosses our – here at and the general and world collective “our” – minds, lips and thoughts.  The main one?  Let us elaborate in a moment.

Before we do, we should probably include those people who do know or suspect that this virus is real but simply say to themselves or friends, or family “Well, if it gets me it gets me” or “We’ve all got to go sometime”, and/or frankly many a variation on these.

To these people we ask, “Is your life that worthless that you don’t care if it ends?”* – and that’s only ONE question.  Another would be to question why they don’t seem to care about OTHERS who they will come in contact with… and so on.

Now, we don’t want to go on about this but we felt compelled to at least post an article reflecting on many people’s thoughts right now.  These thoughts referred to are both those that ARE abiding by the rules, and the many, many individuals and groups that AREN’T.  After all, we are now in the second year of this terrible situation and we need some more light in this world.  THINGS WILL GET BETTER.

*We are aware that there are so many people across the world to whom this pandemic is affecting extremely badly, and especially in the way of MENTAL HEALTH – So, when we refer to the ‘worthlessness’ of anyone we are not directing such words to these people who are really, really struggling.  Here at TheirLand we want to look out for those who are defenceless in all kinds of ways, and in all parts of the world.




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