
Korean Women, Trafficking, ‘debt bondage’ & Massage Parlours

Thanks to the wonderfully passioned people over at Exodus Cry, this video reveals so much about Asian massage parlours, the system used to entice or lure women into them, the ‘debt bondage’ formed to keep them there and Korean culture, society and the debt that women can end owing or paying – either in the […]

Read More Korean Women, Trafficking, ‘debt bondage’ & Massage Parlours

SEWOL – 6 Years On

As some of you will know, we are here to speak about the injustices in the world, and perhaps more specifically, the wrongdoings upon particular, and less fortunate countries. Often our stories and articles relate to how the West may treat a country of the East but that’s only a part of so many injustices […]

Read More SEWOL – 6 Years On